Health and Safety Policy

We are a professional, Health, Safety and Environmentally conscious company, which acknowledges the impact of its operations on its employees, customers, suppliers and the environment. We aim to minimise the impact by:

Taking all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks to the environment are identified, and that suitable and effective preventive and control measures are implemented.

Committing to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our employees and others who may be affected by our work activities, by eliminating hazards and reducing risks.

Recognising our statutory obligations to maintain high standards of safety for all our employees in every aspect of their work.  We also acknowledge our obligations to contractors and visitors to our premises and will ensure that measures are taken to maintain their Health, Safety and Well-being.

It is the legal duty of every employee, whilst at work, to take reasonable care of the Health and Safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. They must co-operate with the Company in any duty imposed upon it by any relevant legislation.

To ensure that we meet our responsibilities, we will provide, as far as is reasonably practicable:

  • All necessary safety devices, instruction, supervision and personal protective equipment as required by any relevant legislation.
  • A constant and continuing review of Health and Safety matters applicable to the activities of the Company, in particular by consulting and involving all employees.
  • The required management resource to ensure we maintain an up-to-date knowledge on legislation, codes of practice and guidance.
  • Suitable risk assessments of premises and the tasks carried out within them and elsewhere on behalf of the Company.

Implementation of this Policy is the responsibility of the Managing Director.

Alongside the Managing Director we have appointed Kai Smith as our responsible person for all HSE matters.

All management, employees and sub-contractors are required to co-operate to maintain the standards as laid down in the arrangements of this Policy.

Management responsibilities and resources have been allocated to ensure effective implementation and continuous improvement.

Appropriate training and instruction are given to enable employees to perform their work according to all principles stipulated in this policy.


    The Directors
    Date: 28th March 2024

    For and on behalf of:
    Blue Sky Intermodal (UK) Ltd

    G.J Mornard
    Managing Diector

    Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

    Click here to view

    © Blue Sky Intermodal (UK) Ltd 2020 registered in England and Wales. Registration no. 4601781; VAT no. 434734688